Getting started
Make sure to connect your SX1276 to CapibaraZero and add a signal(if you haven't recorded one) under the subghz/raw_capture path in your SD:
"frequency": 433.92,
"bandwidth": 150.50,
"deviation": 47.60,
"modulation": 0,
"data_length": 2,
"data": [0, 20, 30]
- Frequency can go from 137.0 to 1020.0
- Bandwidth can go from 2.6 kHz to 200 kHz
- Deviation must be lower than 200 kHz
- Modulation can assume 3 values: 0 for OOK(ASK), 1 for FSK and 2 for LoRa™
- Data length must match the size of data array
CapibaraZero will read this config and transmit the bytes contained in data using the radio parameters in JSON capture file.
How to use
- Go under SubGHZ section
- Select Sender
- Select a signal from the file browser(it will display files under subghz/raw_capture path)
- It will automatically go to home when it will finish the transmission.