EvilPortal is an attack that creates an AP with a captive portal access and it captures all the login requests made on the login form. It's backed from the famous nodogsplash
captive portal.
- A USB dongle that supports AP creation
Captive Portal pages
By default, capibaraZero EvilPortal comes with a good replica of latest Google login page but you can also upload your custom page! You must follow this steps:
- Create a webpage with the following
<form id="form_submit" method="GET" action="$authaction">
<input type="hidden" name="tok" value="$tok" />
<input type="hidden" name="redir" value="$redir" />
<input id="email" type="text" name="username" />
<input id="password" type="password" name="Password" />
- Add your styles and your JS scripts
- Create a zip with all the resources needed by your webpage, remember to rename your
, otherwise your page won't be found from webserver - Try to connect to EvilPortal and check if all goes well
If you want to add a good replica of famous login page, feel free to open pull requests to natively add to capibaraZero that webpages. Thank you!